To develop peaceful, harmonious, just, safe and secure communities. Key result areas:
- Conflict sensitivity mainstreamed in UMN, partner organisations and programmes;
- Men, women, boys and girls with positive, supportive and equitable gender attitudes and practices;
- Children with disability have their rights upheld, received quality medical treatment and have been rehabilitated in their communities;
- Violence and discrimination in communities reduced;
- Cooperation and interdependence among different faiths and cultural groups increased.
See a video of a girl involved in an interfaith group in Kapilvastu who was saved from child marriage through the help of her group:
Good Governance
To strengthen the capacity of both rights holders and duty bearers to enable good governance at the local level, in order to meet the needs of the poorest of the people living in poverty. Key result areas:
- Participation and influence/access of the poorest of the people living in poverty to public decision making processes increased;
- Governance, accountability, skills and sustainability of Civil Society Organisations improved;
- Local communities empowered to improve the wellbeing of the poorest of the people living in poverty.