This remote, hilly district faces the challenge of food security and soil erosion. Discrimination against women, Dalits (low caste people) and people with disability are some of the issues that UMN is addressing in Bajhang.
In Doti, a far west hilly region, UMN is working against discrimination caused by traditional beliefs, targeting women and girls, people living with HIV and AIDS, people with disabilities, and members of the low caste community.
Remote and inaccessible, with unstable slopes and infertile land, low food production in Mugu leaves many people struggling to feed their family throughout the year. UMN’s work enhanced food security and improves health and education.
Rukum is a mid-west where UMN is working with widows and other vulnerable groups through various income generation programmes. Sanitation, safe drinking water and transportation are also some of the development needs.
Kapilvastu and Nawalparasi
Situated on the border between India and Nepal, seasonal migrants to India are vulnerable to exploitation and HIV infection. Interfaith peacebuilding, income generation, education and health are other areas of involvement.
Each of the 24 partner organisations works locally in one district. They are young organisations working with communities where there are multiple needs that are associated with many of the root causes of poverty such as low income, food insecurity, poor health and education facilities, conflict and inability to obtain basic rights.