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Who We Partner With

UMN logo
The United Mission to Nepal (UMN)
UMN was established in 1954, and has made a major contribution to the development of Nepal in the areas of Education, Health, Rural Development and Industrial Development. UMN now works mainly through local partners, some of which are Christian NGOs, developing their organisational capacity and technical skills to implement effective, sustainable programmes.
UMN Medical Development Trust logo
UMN Medical and Development Trust (UMN MDT)
UMN MDT was established in 2020 following the announcement by Nepal’s Ministry of Health & Population (MoHP) that it would no longer renew hospital agreements with international entities. As per this new MoHP policy, UMN would need to arrange for the establishment of a Nepal-based legal entity to manage the two mission hospitals in Tansen and Okhaldhunga districts.  The Trust will oversee the work of the hospitals and also carry out development work.

Meet The Leadership Team

On this page we will bring you brief biographies of the leadership teams of both United Mission to Nepal and the UMN Medical and Development Trust.

Bibhu Singh, Funding Management Team Leader

Bibhu Singh, Funding Management Team Leader

Bibhu’s connection with UMN began when she received a UMN scholarship to study at Mahendra Bhawan Girls High School, a school that was founded by UMN.  After completing grades 1-6, Bibhu stayed in the hostel associated with the school, which she says helped improve her studies in grades 7-10.  In 1996 she joined UMN as a secretary in the HR department and completed her first Masters in Statistics at Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, in 1998.  In the early 2000s Bibhu moved to become the Assistant to the Executive Director when Jennie Collins was ED.  In 2009 Bibhu transferred to the Funding Management Team where Alan Penn, one of the founding trustees of UMN Support Trust, was the Team Leader.  Bibhu continued her studies with a second Masters, this time in Organisational Leadership and Management from Development Associates International, (DAI), in 2011.  When Alan returned to the UK in 2012, Bibhu took over as Team Leader.

Over the past 12 years Bibhu and her team have been responsible for connecting Financial Supporting Partners of UMN with projects, clusters and hospitals; ensuing that the work of UMN and UMN MDT continues and thrives.  Indeed the work that Bibhu and her team do is vital for the future of both UMN and the UMN MDT.

Please pray for Bibhu and her team as they connect with Supporting Partners and also seek to open up new streams of funding for the work of UMN and UMN MDT.

Contact Us
UMN Support Trust
22 The Meadows
Trewmount Road
BT71 6PW
Northern Ireland
Get In Touch
UK Charity No.: 1151842
About Us
UMN Support Trust is an independent charity. It liaises with organisations in Nepal, in particular UMN, to ensure that the funding needs are correctly identified and funds granted by UMN Support Trust are effectively used.
Copyright © 2025 UMN Support Trust
Website: Concept NI