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Targetting Your Donation

You can designate your donation to a specific fund held by UMN Support Trust, as listed below. We can also facilitate a donation being split across funds. Just let us know by email. Occasionally we will add funds related to special appeals initiated by United Mission to Nepal or UMN Medical & Development Trust. Remember to consider Gift Aiding your donation, thank you for your support!

UMN Support Trust General Fund: this allows the trustees to work with the funding team in Kathmandu to grant your donation where most needed across the United Mission to Nepal or UMN Medical and Development Trust.

UMN General Disability Fund: this fund supports the work undertaken by UMN to target disability.

UMN Disaster Relief Fund: this is used to support communities in UMN’s working areas suffering because of natural disasters such as flood, earthquakes or landslides.

Okhaldhunga Medical Assistance Fund: is used to provide care for those patients who cannot afford their care.  Patients are assessed by the social welfare team and help, including financial, is given accordingly.

Okhaldhunga General Fund: these funds are passed on to the hospital for the hospital administration to use as they have need.

Okhaldhunga Rehabilitation Fund: this fund supports those working with patients who require rehabilitation such as wheelchair users or the visually impaired.

Tansen Medical Assistance Fund: is used to provide care for those patients who cannot afford their care.  Patients are assessed by the social welfare team and help, including financial, is given accordingly.

Tansen General Fund: these funds are passed on to the hospital for the hospital administration to use as they have need.

Tansen Rehabilitation Fund: this fund supports those working with patients who require rehabilitation such as chronic mental health issues or spinal injuries.

Contact Us
UMN Support Trust
22 The Meadows
Trewmount Road
BT71 6PW
Northern Ireland
Get In Touch
UK Charity No.: 1151842
About Us
UMN Support Trust is an independent charity. It liaises with organisations in Nepal, in particular UMN, to ensure that the funding needs are correctly identified and funds granted by UMN Support Trust are effectively used.
Copyright © 2025 UMN Support Trust
Website: Concept NI