There are a number of ways you can donate to UMN Support Trust.
1. Bank Transfer to UMN Support Trust's bank account in Lloyds Bank:
Account Name: UMN Support Trust
Sort Code: 77-50-14
Account number: 20399368
(BIC: LOYDGB21H22 IBAN: GB50 LYOD 7750 1420 3993 68)
Please include your name and your chosen fund in the payment advice.
2. Standing Order: (Monthly/Quarterly/Annually)
We would love you to use the above bank details to set up a Standing Order to facilitate regular giving if you are able to.
3. By Cheque: Make cheques payable to 'UMN Support Trust'
Post to: David Rodgers, 22 The Meadows, Trewmount Road, Dungannon, BT71 6PW, Northern Ireland
Please advise us how you would like your donation to be used.
4. Bequests
Please visit our bequest page for more information - here
5. You can also give through PayPal, Stewardship and CAF