One way is by making a Will, leaving clear instructions on how our estate is to be distributed when we pass away. This way, we can help ensure that the work we feel passionate about can continue when we are gone.
If you don’t already have one, Will Kits are available in most countries. But it’s a good idea to see a Solicitor to make sure your instructions are clear.
If you already have a Will, you can make a change using a Codicil – a simple document that adds to your Will without you having to rewrite it. Again, check your Codicil with a Solicitor.
UMN Support Trust is honoured to receive bequests or legacies from supporters.
Please be assured that we will use any funds left to us as you would wish.
Your bequest could be used for:
or many other worthwhile activities.
It will help us work towards our Vision: Fullness of life for all, in a transformed Nepali society.
Contact us by phone or email (see top of page) or write to us at:
UMN Support Trust
22 The Meadows,
Trewmount Road,
Northern Ireland
BT71 6PW
A codicil template for the UK is available here.
Codicil templates for the USA and Australia are also available from the UMN website.